Abstract Submission

  • Abstracts will only be accepted through the online submission system portal.
  • Abstract titles are limited to 250 characters.
  • Abstracts may not have been published previously and should be less than 600 words.
  • Abstracts are peer-reviewed according to the following criteria: Originality, Importance, Methods, Analysis, Results, Conclusions, General interest and Writing quality. 
  • All abstracts are limited to two figures.
  • Figures should be uploaded in JPG format.
  • Figure files should be less than 15 MB each and at least 900 pixels wide.
  • Limited to one page with imbedded graphics.
  • Abstracts will be presented during designated poster sessions. Assignments will be provided with the acceptance.
  • Presenting authors are required to pay conference registration and any associated expenses.

ASER Perioperative Medicine Poster Award

All accepted abstracts are considered for the ASER Perioperative Medicine Poster Award.